My Photo
~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Wednesday, December 21, 2005.
Aching Legs

SOoooOOooo tired. Just got back ffrom hospital...and todae i really did werk my ass off. Actually, yesterday too. Yesterday I was kinda veri lucky, i gt poted to a High Dependency Unit room so it's really is a golden appotunity for me to experience wat's it's like werking in a High D. unit, coz it's very rare for us students to get to go in there since most of the patience are like, seriously ill. So who knoes we might just give them an earlier pass to hell or heaven. But anyway, i enjoyed werking there coz i get to werk wif my favourite staff nurse, SN Maizurah. Hehe...she's been werking there for 2 yrs already so there's not much of age gap between us, so u can imagine how the unit was run. Damn funny sia she and another SN Azlin. It's like the whole unit was run by 3 teenagers, so most of the time we were making fun of the patients. haha, i knoe it's bad lah but we need to de-stress too u knoe. And btw it's not all the patients, just the irritating ones.

But actually, before i was transfered to High D. unit, i was over at my original assigned room 27 n 28. I really hate the staff nurse in-charge. She's like the first one who makes me angry and so far, she the first and only nurse that i find very rude, unfriendly, arrogant. She's frm China and she's a Senior Staff Nurse. What happen was, in the morning, after they passed the report, they told me to go over to the hIgh D. unit for awhile just to help to sponge the patients for awhile. So they told me to do it with another enrolled nurse. But the other enrooled nurse was still taking report for her room, so i went to give gargle for my patients first and gave all of them their new set of pajamas. After tat, the enrolled nurse was still taking the report, so i went over to the nurses station, sat there and flipped through the "parameters chart" coz i want to list down which are the hrly monitoring and which are the 4 hrly monitoring. So wat happen was, that Senior Staff Nurse saw me sitting there. She came up to me and asked me in the rudest tone she could ever use "Excuuuuse me. why are u sitting here?? This is morning time. There's alot of patients u can give gargle. I dun wan to see u sitting here." Bloody hell!!! She even dare to stare at me. Well, my dear bittchy Senior Staff Nurse, for ure infomation i haf already done all the necessary things that's needed for my rooms. I was just waiting for the Enrolled Nurse to be done with her report so tat we can start off with the High D. unit.
After that incident, i stayed at the High D. for rest of the day. i dun even wan to go back and haf her as my in-charge. Such a pain in the ass. So bitchy. So early in the morning make me angry already...bitchy, bitchy, bitch!!!

As for todae, it was kinda busy in the morning. I was a lone most of the time coz the enrolled nurse was busy with the other room so i feel kinda proud lah coz tis is like the first time i'm hendling everything alone!! U sually there's always somebody with me, either an EN, SN or my fren. Anyway, i gt this one auntie who is verry very damn cute. Actually she's more of an "a'ma" lah..haha. She's 70 ++ already. We told her that she's gng to the Uro OT coz the wan to scane her bladder. She doesnt understand so i translate to her in the simplest way that she can understand. I told her she's going down to take a picture of her bladder. Then she say "OOoooh, gambar ah!! Ambik gambar ah!!" So i thought she gt it and i just change her to her OT gown. Then suddenly she ask me for acomb coz she wan to comb her hair, scared later she look ugly. I was wondering, y the hell she need to look nice. It's just a scan wat. Then she told me "Nanti ambik gamber kita tiga orang ah. U, me(pointing to her self), and she(pointing to my fren)." Thats when i started laughing like mad!!! Hahah...she think wat, this is Konica issit. But in the end, i didnt even try to explain to her coz i knoe it will just be a waste of time.

Cute lah tat auntie...