My Photo
~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Saturday, December 24, 2005.
Christmas Spirit

I love yesterday!! So relax in the ward. And again, i get my fav. staff nurse in charge of the rooms. SN Maizurah. I really like her alot. She's so nice and friendly and she will let u do almost everything. So this is kinda my only chance to practice my every single nursing skills on a real life breathing dummy.

Anyway, yesterday was a total slack. My incharge and my junior both also very the slack. We got not much admission to do and most of my patients are ambulating ones so most of the time we were sitting at the nurses station, talking. Then there's the christmas song playing and all of us started singing. haha...so fun. We were totally possesed by the christmas spirits. Anyway, i was more interested iin interviewing Kak Maizurah. She's gng back to NYP next year to do her Advanced Dip. so i just wan to find out about the bond and everything. She says that SGH will sponsor ure study for Advanced Dip. and u dun haf to pay a single cent. Moreover u will still get ure basic payment. The only thing is tat u haf to pay back the bond for 3 yrs. So for my case, if i were to take that sponsorship for Advanced Dip. in total i haf to pay back my bond 6 yrs!! Man...thats an awful lot of yrs!!! But i'm sure i dun wan to remain as a Diploma holder only. I would like to get a degree but getting a degree would cost me $30 000++. AAARRgggHHH!! Must start saving now!!! Oh well, even if i didnt get to go for my degree course, at least i must get my Advanced Dip. roll. I tink i wan to specialize in renal system. I find tat it's more ineteresting....

Todae was a great day too!! My father just gt his bonus so went he came back home, he was handing us all a $50 note bill each. WOOW!!! It's been so long since he gave us money. I tink the last time he shares his bonus money was like 5 yrs ago. Hahah!! It's true!!! Everybody IS in their christmas spirit!! Now that i'm $50 richer, maybe tml i can go out with my sayang. YIPPE!! And i get to watch my Narnia at last!! YiPPEE!!! But again, come to think of it, maybe i should just save it coz gt 2 major birthdays coming up. His and mine!!! So might as well save it and spend it later, something like a huge celebration for 2 bitrhdays. Hmm...yah maybe.

Love u sayang and miss u.