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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



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//Sunday, December 18, 2005.
WeDDinG SeAsOn

I was reading my diary (personal diary) just now when suddenly somthing just strike me, I had more things to write about in the diary rather than in this "virtual diary". I haf every single thoughts and feelings jotted down in the book, compared to this which most of it is just a summary of wat i really wan to say. Maybe coz a blog is just less private. That "old" method of writing a diary is much more personal, nobody can really touch it. Where else this one, u cant really express out everything coz u might just hurt the other party. Maybe i should start writing again in a diary. I stopped doing it after my secondary skool days coz i ran out of pages n then i decided to haf my own "virtual diary" just like everyone else coz i find it more entertaining. i really like to go "blog surfing", love to see all the creative designs they haf. But anyway, back to the main point, I think i'm gng to get myself a new diary and start writing again. I dunno knoe how to put it but when i read all my past entries in the diary, it gave me a sense of achievement somehow. It's like watching a movie of your past life. It's really fun to read ure diary once awhile....

Anyway, i guess now is the wedding season. People around me are all attending toa wedding function today. My parents gt 2 wedding function to attend. My 2nd bro is doing "rewang"(helping out in the kitchen ex: cooking, washing dishes) at 1 wedding function. Ijal is doing "kendarat"(sumting like the waiter n waitress job) at his cousin's wedding. And my youngest brother is also doing "rewang" at his fren's place. I did "rewang" before but i've never done "kendarat". I wan to try n do tat 1 day, before i get married. So zie zie, Syasya....if u guys get married, i book to be ure "kendarat" k!!

I gave my cat a bath today. HAhaha!! can say it's a torture lah. Not i torture him, HE TORTURE ME!!! U see wat happen was, when i was shampooing him, my dad open the door (just to see how i was doing). Suddenly he just jumped out of my hand n hide behind my father. He kept on miao-ing so loudly at my father, like as if he was complaining to my faher. Then when i try to grab him, he ran around the whole house. Just imagine this scene ok, a lady chasing a wet bubbly cat around the house with a towel at her shoulder her hands full of soap!! And all my father did is laugh at him, Thanks ayah, that's very helpful!! Once i get hold of him, i just dragged him into the toilet and just dumped him into the sink filled wif water. Lost my patience already. Then after the whole cleaning and drying, iw ent to watch tv and guess wat my cat do. He kept on parading in front of me, back and forth, for at leats 15min, just to show off to me that "I'm clean! I'm clean! Look at my clean fur!"....ngada2 punye kucing.