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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Friday, March 10, 2006.

Had my debate presentation just now. WAS SO DAMN FUN!!! Feel like doing it again. We were more of like fighting rather than debating. haha....the motion was "abortion is the answer to the social problem of untimely pregnancies" and we were the proposition team. So obviously, from the satrt we knew that alot of ppl are going to be against us and that opposition team is gng to win the debate coz it's much more easier for them to defend themselves. But!!! It was our team who gt more spirit when we were presenting our points. We looked like we were gng to murder that other team. muahahha....was so fun.

The only ugly part was when the qns were open to the floor. Basically, the WHOLE class attacked us with "abortion is cruel". I tell u, not a single qn or critics was thrown at the other team. ARRGHHH!!! we really had a hard time trying to save our asses, but i think we did quite a good job lah. I mean, looking at the motion, it really is not easy to convince the people that abortion has it's advantages. People in the society are too negative towards abortion. I mean...there are certain circumstances that abortion is better than to haf the baby. If u were to look at rape cases, do u actually expect the girl to give birth and bring up the baby?? I was quite dissappointed to the class lah, coz i was expecting them to be more open minded about this matter and not just stick to the idea that "aborti9on is wrong". Just becoz a person makes a different decision frm u doesnt prove u to be morally wrong. They haf their rights n their every reason to do so.

But if u were to ask me if i will ever practice abortion....

well, the ans is....