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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Tuesday, April 11, 2006.
New phone...DAmN IT!!

Went to SengKang wif susu yesterday. Was so damn excited n exhilarated coz i was abt to get a new phone!! Motorola V3I, yah tats wat i gt. The moment i held the phone in my hands, i can feel the adrenaline rush into my brains. Basically i can see those tiny tiny neurons in my head are jumping/skipping/hopping with joy. keke...alas, i gt the phn i wanted.

But guess wat, after a short experimental on my new Motorola V3I at home, the screen suddenly turn white n no matter wat button i press, it remains white. Then suddenly as i stared harder into the phone, a figure started to move. It looks like it's crawling....out of sumting....sumting round...with bricks...its a...a.....its a....WELL!! She haf long hair...covering her face. And she's crawling towards the screen, n before i knoe it, her long freaky hands reached out of the phone, trying to grab me.

Haha...k, tats not wat happened. But the screen did turned white. I did cant press any button. I tried to charge it then, thinking tat the battery might just be flat, but it doesnt werk. Even when i left it overnite, this morning when i check, the bloody phn is still not charged. n this time, i cant even switch the phn on. So i decided to call the customer service, who then pushed me to another no. that starts wif 1800-yadayada-yada, who then pushed me to the motorola so-called HQ centre at PS. So fine, after all the pushing around, i made my way to PS, thinking tat I might be the only customer there since it's only 11am. And guess wat, there's a bloody long queue before me. My queue no. stated 137 n the no. they were serving when i arrived was 119. Damn it, is Motorola tat bad??!!

So fine, 1 hr of shaking my legs, starring into space, listening to the b******d beside me arguing wif his wife n replaying over and over again in my head abt the steps i've planned to murder the producer of this phone. And finally, it's my turn!!! I thought they could just fix it straight away or give me a new charger but wat the hell, i'm wrong again. The problem lies on the phone itself n the batt. It couldnt power up. So, they had to retain my precious phone for repair, n could only be collected on thursdy. AAAaaarrrgghhhh!! What luck, bought a broken phone and gt seperated from my precious lil' baby phone...she's only 1 day old......!!! *sniff*

But i just wonder y that M1 shop cant just exchange a new set for me. I mean, i bought it frm their shop, n in less than 24 hrs, it shuts down on me. So technically, I've paid $300 on a broken item...tat U SOLD!!! I did ask the person abt giving me a new set, but they guy said they cant do tat anymore. Seems like they haf changed the shemes or wat. Well, if that is true, here's a ltllie tiny feedback from me. URE NEW SCHEME SUCKS!! The reason a person bought a phone is so tat they could use it at their own convenient. And having to make a trip to PS just to repair a brand new phone tat i bought n making a second trip again to collect it is not CONVENIENT at all!! not mentioning those dreadful long queues i had to wait. I mean seriously, if u could haf just exchange me for a new set instead of being stuck wif the faulty one, the world would be a better place. MY WORLD would be a better place!!

*sigh*...on thursday, when i collect the phone, it better work. My heart aches so much already after knowing that i've just bought a broken phone. I gt a family history of heart attacks. So if on thursday, the same thing happens again...u knoe what'll happen. So get the coffins ready k.