My Photo
~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

//Monday, April 10, 2006.

Those ppl who knoes abt computer n stuffs, u are wanted to explain to me abt the following....

Sometimes, wehenever i tried to go online, the connection gt firewalled. And even if i reconnect or restart the com for a thousand times, it still gt firewalled. What the hell is tis firewall thingy??!! Who invented this firewall, so tat i can go n kill him/her. And how do i pevent this from happening again??

K, ure help will be greatly appreciated.

Holidays are here, exams are over....n yet i'm still bored. Right now, i'm occupying myself wif all the spring+summer+autumn+winter cleaning. And this is the first time i see my toilets are sparkling clean...n i really mean sparkling. I didnt even knoe that we had white tiles for the wall. I've always thought it was brownish. ekke...so now can u imagine how "clean" my house was before. n yah, wif tat satement also, u can predict how often we do a thorough cleaning. ONCE A DECADE!!! And in a process of cleaning, u could also be an archeologist or a CSI. Coz for sure a long the way, u would encounter a few dead bodies lying on ure property n u will haf the honour to do the cremating job.

So here's my good-bye speech to the bodies that i found this morning:-

dEAR lizards, cockroaches and flies;
You haf been a good "tenant" here for the past dunno-how-many years. You did not show ure existance in this house to any of us, u feed on our garbage and u paid ure rent wif ure shits. I hereby would like to say good bye and to thank u for ure "service" in this house. I agree that dying in our toilet is a TRAGIC death. I promise tat ure family (where ever they are in this house) will be taken care of. They will still continue to feed on our garbage, but wat happen if they were spotted playing catching across the room is a different story. Rest in peace n haf fun in heaven.