My Photo
~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Sunday, May 14, 2006.
BBQ at Downtown East!!!

Alas, my craving for BBQ food has ended. Had Bbq wif our ex MacD crew at downtown east yesterday. It was quite fun ah, but will be more fun if more ppl that we know turn up. Followed Ais to collect our satay n otah at kembangan then we took the cab down to Downtown. At first it was kinda quiet lah, coz there's only the 4 of us, Aisyah, me, nora n her fren Yasmin. Then susu n sangee arrived n that's when the fun begin. Of coz with sangee around, the place will turn upside down. Just with her laughter, she can make the room sound like as if there's 20 ppl.

Once it stopped raining n the sky was clear, we set up the fire. Took us for awhile to get the fire gng, n our Aiser was in the bad mood already coz the fire was like going on strike. But in the end we still manage to bbq. Our nora n her fren yasmin were busy testing the food, so for awhile, every piece of food we place into the tray, it disappeared within 5 seconds. haha...OUh yah, wan to knoe wats on the menu?? There were chicken wings, otah, satay, hotdogs, marshmallow, fishballs, squids on skewers n crabsticks. Really alot of food. By the time we finish cooking all the food, it really looked like a mountain. Something was really odd abt me yesterday. i couldnt stuff myself with lots of food. after 2 piece of chicken n a few crabsticks n hotdogs, i couldnt eat anything else anymore. haha..so wasted ah. For the whole day i've avoided any kind of food, but still i couldnt stuff myself tat night. soooo damn wasted.

Later in the evening, a couple of others came down. Aisyah's fren, Salmah, n her bf. Nora's sister n her bf. And lastly....our precious SYA SYA!! miss her so much. so long never see her. haha..so glad that she could make it down. Thats when the fun really begin, we took loads n loads of crazy pictures. we couldnt stop laughing n i guess those ppl bbq-ing outside was like peeping into the house to see wats the racket all about. Most pictures are with susu so i couldnt post any of those now. still waiting for her to pass it to me, which will be somewhere next week. Anyway here are some of the pictures i haf wif me, the rest u haf to wait until next week. ok??!!

Desperately trying to burn some charcoal.

Me n susu acting all like japanese-cuties....

Susu n sangee posing wif the chef of the day. Wats wif the t-shirt chef??

I love this picture. very starry..haha