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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
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Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

//Wednesday, June 21, 2006.


I'm totally addicted to these to games...."Diner Dash 2" n "Cake Mania". Got it from the yahoo games n now, i cant stop playing. Really do wan to buy the whole game, the only problem is i'm not rich enuf to own a credit card. Damn it!! So, all this while, i've just been playing the demo version. Once the pathetic time limit has been used up, the whole game disappears. AARRGGHHH!!! i wan the game!!!

Maybe some of u guys haf heard of this game n played the 1st version even. In Diner Dash 2, there's this character name Flo. She's the so called restaurant manager cum worker. So ure job is to run Flo around doing errands like, getting orders, cleaning table up, collecting payment. U are to earn a certain amnt of cash in a day, if u dun, u haf to repeat the level again. And if u make enuf profits for the day, u get to renovate ure restaurant.

See the tiny little woman with a piece of paper on 1 hand n a glass on the other hand..?? That's Flo!! As u get to higher level, u'll meet wif more difficult customers. If u lose a customer, ure money will fly a way. So must always keep them happy by not making them wait.

The other game is Cake Mania. Just as the name says, it has sumting to do wif cake. The game however is about the same as Diner Dash. U haf to attend to ure customers, get the orders, make the orders, collect payment, etc. Only that now, u'll be dealing if cakes.

Jill is the one who's holding a cake behind the counter. That long queue are the customers. Those cakes in bubbles are their orders. So u haf to bake according to their orders. But becareful!! Dun take too long to do it. If not they will turn red like the guy in the first line.