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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



Lee Kheng
aH Mong




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//Thursday, June 22, 2006.
CALLING OUT TO ALL FEMALE READERS!!! pls read this if u dun wan to wear diapers at the age of 60

Do u knoe??

90% of Singapore females haf urinary incontinence problem. Urinary incontinence is the uncontrollable leakage of urine. It is more common in the elderly, especially among women. Urinary incontinence is not a natural process of aging. But dun be surprise tat 80% of younger females also suffers from urinary incontinence. Just check ure undies n see if u haf wet ure pants whenever u haf full bladder. If u do, even a slightest dot, it means tat u gt urinary incontinence. I'm one of them.....

So wats the cause of this problem?? It's due to the weak pelvic floor muscle. The muscle supporting the outlet of the bladder weakens n thus, urine leaks. But dun worry, it's not the end of the world. If u start practising the Kegel's exercise, u're able to save ure undies!!!

Very simple, when u are voiding just stop n try to hold ure bladder for 10 sec, then u let go again, n hold for another 10 sec. Repeat the step 4-5 times everytime u void. There shouldnt be any urine dribbling when u hold ure bladder. If there is, it means ure pelvic floor muscle is weak. But of course u dun expect todae u do n tomorrow u see wonders. It takes time to strengthen the muscle back. Just keep doing n at the end of the month, u can see the difference already.

And remember, wetting ure undies is not good. U can get urinary infection. So drink lots of water n practice practice practice!!!