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~> Azira
~> 20th Jan 1987
~> Capricorn
~> a future nurse to be
~> currently in NYP



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//Monday, March 05, 2007.
welcome back!!....to azira

Finally, i manage to convince myself to update by long abandoned blog. Sorry ppl, was really busy for the past few weeks. There was loads n loads of project to do, eventhough we are already in the final yr last semester stage, lots of other stressors that need to be attended to n not to forget, lots of tv and movie shows that need to be entertained to. keke...but seriously, mostly was the project ah. I cant believe that they are so cruel enuf to give us 4 projects to be done in less than 7 weeks in skool. This is our final year for goodness sake. Last semester even, we are not suppose to haf any projects anymore, at least not so much.

Management was a killer. Firstly, the lecturer itself is in "the lost space". Nobody could understand wat she's trying to teach n no body could understand her expectations. Notes are suppose to guide us. Notes are suppose to give us NOTES so that we can understand ure lecture better n prepare ourselves for exams. Wats the use of us buying notes if u modify ure own lecturing notes n expect us to copy the whole lecture all over again every single day. Might else well u give us ure hard disk n we'll save it frm there. Another irritating thing abt this lecturer is, she LOVE to compliment herself, without even her realising it. She can satrt frm "i'm the only lecturer who will give u full marks n give u tips so that u can pass ure exams" to "everybody likes me so thats y students like to disturb me" and to "i'm very good daughter in law". For heaven sake, we are not interested in ureself.

We had fun doing the proposal plan for HPB.....i wonder if there are really ppl out there who's really interested abt our propoasl programme. haha...."u wish rite".....In this project, we had to come up wif a programme, based on our topic, to educate the target audience. So we had to do on "club drugs abuse" and we came up wif an interactive programme for the sec 4 students, focusing on how to say no to drugs. it's interesting ah, coz we will use the skool's music rm n turn it into a disco club....it'll be even more exciting if we can DO IT rather than just present it.

Sociology of Work was even worst. We didnt really prepare anything until the day before the presentation. The thing is people, we haf 3 presentations on the same week, (2 presentations on monday n 1 presentation on wednesday). Having 2 presentation on the same week is terrible enuf, what about 3??!!! U might be wondering "then y dun u change wif other groups the presentation date??". The reason is very siimple. SELFISH! yup...they are selfish enuf that they dun really care if u haf to crawl n vomit blood for ure 3 presentation. The excuse of "CNY" is strong enuf to make them feel better abt ditching us. So back to the story, we only haf less than a day to prepare for our presentation, which falls on the wednesday. So on Tuesday, we had to slave ourselves the whole day in the com lab, trying to get the slides done. The bad thing is, for this presentation, u need to use more of ure thinking skills to tackle the qn. It's not like the "copy & paste" presentation where u can just type the keyword under "search" n VOILA!!, u get the answer. NO.....this presentation, u need to get lots n lots of research articles n argue it frm there. Only god knoes how torturing it was to get it done within less than a day. So the next dae, when we presented, we were more than delighted n surprised to hear that she, the lecturer, actually love our presentation n arguments. woohoo~ Huurahh to subgroup 1. She even said "higher than average level"...DO U KNOE THE EFFECT OF THOSE WORDS ON US!!! I dunno abt the rest but i think i was abt to land into sanctuary. But wat can i say, there are always ppl who hate to see others succeed....so u knoe who u are....dun blame on others for ure own incapabilities.

We just finish our last presentation just now. I love the role play. Elias was very "into" the role as "muthusamy". i would say...he haf the natural talent...of being a bangla. haha...ok..not trying to be racist here. We were doing on Dissociative Personality Disorder....more widely known as Multiple Disorder. A person wif this disorder can change his/her self into a different character within seconds if he/she is being put under stress. When he/she re=gains back to it's original self, they will not haf any memory of the past character. THIS IS A REAL DISORDER. Many ppl thinks that it is nothing but an act....but let me tell u this again, IT IS A REAL DISORDER.

My test is in 2 days time. I haf neither yet touch the book nor smell it. OUh...did i tell u about my cat?? The poor creature is sick now. He couldnt pass urine the other time n kept on vomitting, so we brought him to the vet, which then referred us to the Mount Pleasant Hospital. It seems that he's having stones in the urinary tract..so that explains the difficulty in micturation. They had to insert in a catheter into the penis to flush the bladder and since he was not eating during the whole 1 week plus stay in the hospital, they even set up and i/v drip on his left paw. My poor siti.....but now he's back home. Suppose to go for a follow up last week, but my parents insist on not bringing him back, partly because they think that his condition would get worst if they were to bring him back there n the insufficient funds n "sponsors". Rite now, we are just treating him wif herbs n plants that we think cats eat when they are sick. Hopefully he'll get well soon....

Yah i knoe..this is one long entry....thank you for spending ure time reading this. Now u can resume bback wat u were doing before.